
Bit of fun experimenting on this one. That blur was achieved using a hand-painted depth map, which is a concept I 'borrowed' from 3D. A depth map is a grayscale image that represents the depth information in a still picture. Black represents short distance, white represents far distance (and everything in between). After I painted the depth map on a separate layer, I fed it into Photoshop's Lens Blur filter and dialed in the amount of blur I wanted.
what a facinating idea. So you sketched this piece up originally in 3D, rendered layers, painted it in Photoshop?
either way, great work as always, beautiful knowledge of the light there
Thanks Nori,
No, this is 100% painted, no 3D involved. I only learned the concept of a depth map from my experience in 3D, and thought to myself, "if a rendering engine can render it, why can't I just paint one?"
Very cool, this one and the previous are very interesting!
Awesome job *_* I love your style! really great!
Are you Italian as well or it's just the name?:P
haha, awesome! It looks so miniature!
You have to show me how to do the depth map sometime!
also, I know you don;t want to hear this, but that moncter is really cute...:P
great stuff marco! saw your sketchbook over at, and found the link to your blog. love the mix of traditionals and digitals in your blog :)
GREAT LIGHT mARCO ,I like small cars at his feets.
.Fantastic dude!
I have no idea what you're talking about, but dammit, this looks just awesome.
I stumbled across your work today and im so glad, it's absolutely delightful!
-your newest fan,
Ja'keh Clark
Ha ha! All kinds of awesome.
Nice Experiment!
Experience in 3d really change the dimention. Love the character.
Marco I just uploaded Ronaldinho's caricature. Need your valuable suggestions and comments as always.
Well, whatever you did looks cool!
excellent tip with the depth map!
this is beautiful marco.
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