Castle Interior

Just when you thought I was done with castles...
This one will most likely make it into my book that I'm still hard at work on. In related news, I was hanging out with Jason Seiler while he was here for the Toronto Fan Expo. He saw this painting while it was in progress, and suggested putting those chains on the wall. Thanks buddy!
Wow , the light is nice over the stair.
.I like it Marco as always
see u my friend!
great lighting...chains add nice touch too!
how about 15% more purple. :P
This looks great Marco, I like the chains a lot! And it was great hanging out!!!!
Loving the atmosphere of this piece. The sunlight coming from the windows really does it for me!
Dude I'm so jealous of you guys painting last weekend! I wanna come out some time! We should hook it up, what do you think?
DUDE! not just this post but all of your post are amazing!!! you have a B E A U T I F U L blog man!!!
Great picture and great lighting.
Hi Marco!
The light gives depth to this picture.
Great work!!
nice job Marco...Love the light as all.
Great :)
I don't know young man... that light is just too nice! I've got to get back to Toronto some day and see if ANYTHING is as I remember it from the late 1960s. Whenever I get depressed about the state of things I can do nothing about, the work you and Jason display on your blogs always can make me smile and feel a bit better about the future.
beautiful! Love the lighting!
Your paintings are spectacular Marco, such a fantastic style.
great mood!
Great lighting & atmosphere, Marco!
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