Iron Giant

My friends at The Labyrinth Book Store asked me to contribute a piece to their Iron Giant Project. Anything goes, as long as it somehow relates to the film. I decided to pretend like the events of the film actually happened, and this is a vintage photograph signed by an adult Hogarth Hughes.
awesome! i saw the postings for the iron giant project as well perhaps i should submit something also...
REally nice!!!! awesome......I like more,,,,,,,,,,,, good work !!!!!!!
aw man- that's awesome, marco!
It's cool!!
Like the texture and ambient!
cuidate man!
reduce scale of buildings by 5%
add blue by 2%
need standard cam on horizon level.
Great contribution dude!
Nice execution!
Yohohooooooooooo!!! Your blog is very cool likeand your draw!! ;0)
It´s so cute Marco , I did´nt see your blog a long time ago.
.And I can see that you like matte-painter lately.
.Can Anyone to send a work to :
Great mood and lighting in this piece.
Jose - yes, anybody can submit to this! Send your image to
DUDE! This SO coooool!
Man, I really liked your submission for iron giant project!
Excellent piece. Amazing.
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