One of those fun sketches where you load up your canvas with abstract nonsense, and begin pulling things out of it. On a psychological level, I've noticed that I paint more snow scenes during the winter months, even though I'm working from imagination. Interesting.
A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y love it!!!
Is that house splitting in half? Someone should talk to the contractor about that.
Splendid work as always!
lovely and very interesting!
Yes, love that approach of creating something out of abstractions. Great lighting on this too.
Fantastic work! :D
wow! really nice work!!
Nice one man! I love the details!!
beautiful! great texture and lighting (as usual).
Arg! Another really cool piece.
Wow how are these sketches?! man, if only i could sketch like that.
Great mood!!
Hey thanks guys!
Andrew, I refer to these as 'sketches', knowing that they're much more refined than, say, a sketchbook scribble. But in the realm of a painting, they're just a few steps away from being abstract (zoom in to any area and it's basically abstract strokes). To be honest, I find it to be more of a challenge to paint like this, than mindlessly rendering things out. Plus, I just get bored after awhile. As a viewer, I know I like looking at looser paintings more, too. If you haven't already, check out Richard Schmid's legacy of work. He's THE master at this stuff. Unfortunately, his website only contains a very small portion of his work...and it's not high res :(
wow!!! Love the mood Marco!Crazy Goood!
Awesome!! :)
Thanks alot for the drop by on my blog. You've got absolutely awesome awesome stuff! Hope you don't mind me adding you on my link list. :D will definitely keep an eye out on your stuff. Cheers!
wow... oh, WOW.
very awesome work Marco! Hope your lecture went well at Sheridan. I just read it. Disappointed that i missed it.
all your work is really amanzing.
Quickpainting??????? Are you taking drugs?
WOw Marco! great mood !
Love the edges and textures too .
this is incredible. your command of color is astounding.
amazing work sir.
Marco, your cities and landscapes from imagination are gorgeous! You should put a small book together . . . fantastic work!
This is very complete for a just sketch stuff.
this is magical marco. very nice.
Awesome!!! just awesome !!!
Wonderful work Marco!
awesome! you sir are genius in lighting! love the mood! :)
Hey Marco. I agree with Jason. You need to put a book together. If I can get stuff published then O.M.G. you should be a BLOCKBUSTER.
Anyway, come check out my new portfolio when you can. I put some of the Book illustrations on there.
Thanks Buddy!!
yeah man -that's awesome. Great mood - interesting everywhere you look.
Fabulous! And to think that came out of your imagination
I love it Marco , it´s awesome dude!!!!
see u
Utterly fantastic.
This one is magnificent Marco... such imagination to it. I'm quite the opposite, I tend to draw and paint tropical places during the winter months :).
Beautiful. Great composition and emotional impact.
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