This is a portrait sketch of filmmaker, artist, art historian, and friend of mine,
Erika Loic. She was kind enough to come over and sit for me, while I proceeded to massacre her image on canvas. Painting friends is difficult (Sargent warned against it, too). However, when you want to put yourself in the trenches, nothing beats it.
Oil on Linen, 11x14".
Dude this is amazing. I can't even tell you the leaps you make every time you post. Very inspiring.
She has such a refined beauty about her. Love it!
Its a beautiful painting, Im sure she was pleased with it :D
It was an honour to sit for Marco, and Ken is right that I'm very pleased with this portrait. I know that Marco is a bit frustrated with it as a likeness and so I hope we can retry the process in the future.
Thanks to Abby for calling my beauty "refined"!
great job
Lovely work Marco! Especially love the detail of around her eyes.
Stunning image! Very nice, Marco.
really great paintings.
I totally agree my friend... but I'd tweak the advice a little bit...if you really want to push yourself artistically... draw a 'girl' friend. I think we're able to get away with a lot more with guys!
Great work man.
Thanks guys,
Erika - We'll definitely do this again!
Rawls - I'm not sure what you mean. Erika is a 'girl' friend (I hope you didn't read it as a male!) If you're referring to a girlfriend, then I agree with you, that would be a BIG challenge, maybe just second to painting your parents. All I'm trying to say is that painting someone you know is more chellenging than a model you hadn't previously met.
beautiful!! Love the loose brush stroke!
Amazing Marco!!! Your paintings are getting so strong . . . awesome work!!!
I can't compare for likeness, but the painting itself is gorgeous!
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