Here's two recent oil sketches. The first is my cousin, who has always struck me as having a distinct 'Victorian' look. This is actually a prelim study for a much larger painting. (My new avatar is a sketch of her sister). The second painting is my friend John, who allowed me to paint him while he worked on his laptop. He actually moved far less than most professional models. Both paintings 10x12", on overpriced Linen.
These are quite lovely.
I just found this site, WOW, amazing work in here. I will return again for a longer stay.
You are very good artist Marco. Love your work.
very cool..and grwat...hahahaha^^
your work is also very good, I congratulate you
Wow, both are great Marco, especially the one of your cousin, fantastic brush work!!!!!!
lovely, great paintings
haha...overpriced linen. Those are beautiful my friend! Great work. How long do those generally take you?
Thanks guys.
Rawls - Generally about 3 hours at most for a portrait sketch of this size. The one of John was faster...under 2 hours. If I were to take these to a 'studio' finish, I'd probably spend another 3-4 hours on them.
You made them live? You turn me crazy, Marco. Very, very good.
Your cousin does look very victorian! She would look like a young governess with her hair up in a bun and wearing black high neck dresses. With white laces around the neck. Yeah.
These are great, I can't agree more on the Victorian look of your cousin. As for your friend, yikes... that means he is super focused on that laptop :).
You're genuine. I mean it.
definently top class marco! Beautiful!
really nice job.
Great paintings! I love the expression on the girl....
Hi Marco,
Thanks for your comments first. I am totally agree with your suggestions. It really means a lot to me. And about your painting! I have no words. Thanks again. I need your suggestions in future too.
stunning pieces!
I dog the softness of your palette and the way you use your brushes...
actually, the way you paint is a complete mystery! ^^
They look great! Nicely done. I hear you about the pricey linen - but once I started working on linen I never could work on cotton canvas again. Feels terrible to me now.
Your oils are getting super sexy dooder.
Great job dude makes wanna paint in oils but i hate the smell of oils.
these one's r fantastic..ur such a good painter :)
i'm linkin u to my blog friend:)
keep up the fantastic work
excellent. top one grabs me.
excellent. top one grabs me.
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