No place I'd rather be than in the classroom painting in front of the live model. If any of you bloggers out there live in Toronto, I'd love to have your painting company. I go to a studio called
Artists 25 every Thursday night. Check the link for a map. Incidentally, I'm in the front page picture on the site, painting the African lady in this post. These are 2.5 hour oil studies done these past few weeks.
That's awesome. I'd go but I live in Ottawa. By hockey standards, I guess that means we're mortal enemies...
Very nice! Love to see more of these.
awesome studies Marco. Great job!
Marco these are really great - your really coming into your own with oils! I'd love to join you and get some tips - but it's a bit of a trek from England! Keep it up man!
So damn good...!
Beautiful work Marco, really nice!
ur live studies are really impressive...lovely place thanks for link
veery good colors! nice
Sweet studies, Marco. Thanks for posting them!
Beautiful studies!!!!So good
Wow great studies!
I like human face to draw and these are awesome.
I wish I lived that way. would be awesome to watch you paint ( thats all I could do seein as I suck at life drawrings as well as painting ;) magnifcient stuff Marco!
these are stunning pieces Marco.
Damn it!!.. now is when I would like to live in Toronto.. great life paints!!..
Man, Marco... You have been painting like a mad man. Keep it up!
Great studies! Wish I could make it out there!
Absolutely -gorgeous- Marco! You're taking to oils like ducks, water, and flying...such character in the faces and you've caught it so well.
And for the record, I -have- to have some testosterone overdrive or I wouldn't be working on this damnably -tiny- evil chainmaille links. I refuse to let something inaminate get the better of me even when I've got sore fingers...and besides. I love power tools! :P
Going to do studies for Batman tomorrow, really! And it's your fault!
Lovely portraits!! I really like the juicy brush strokes...:)
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