I'm Back!

Above are some of the better studies that I did there. They're all small, often squeezing 3 or 4 onto one canvas. Scott is a believer in increasing your knowledge base in order to quickly break down the scene in front of you, and make accurate, fast decisions. The small sketches are 20-30 minutes each, and the larger ones are closer to one hour.
And if you haven't already, you should go check out Scott Christensen's website to see his incredible work. Thanks Scott!
THese are beautiful!!
Too right Alina! Marco these are awesome man - really top notch stuff!!
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Eh good painting!!!
I want to hear some stories. Looks like some serious painting went down. I will have pick your brain for painting secrets. Later buddy!
Marco, pretty solid stuff man. Sounds like you had a great time too, now can you Scotts painting "secrets" with us :D
EURO 2008
ITÁLIA Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!
20-30 minutes? ...very fast , and very quality.
.Congratulations , i like it a lot Marco
see u my friend!!
wow amzing work very sensitive i'll be back!
Really nice work Marco . . . I'm jealous man, sounds like a great time! I gotta get out more to paint . . . been out a few times lately, but need more practice!
Wow - gorgeous studies. Sounds like it was a great experience.
These are stunning! Keep up the great painting :)
Absolutely beautiful paintings.
Wow Wow!.. congratulations my friend!.. your paint skills are gettin better and better!.. could you talk us a bit more about this quickly way to break down the scene in front of you?.. and which fast and accurate desicions you take to improve your work?..
Thanks guys.
Hey Bog, ummm let's see if I can put it into words quickly...Scott would put up a slide of a painting...and about 10 seconds later take it away, and ask us, "who noticed that the light value of the trees in the foreground was the same as the shadow value in the background?"
Of course, none of us had noticed that...we were too busy looking at the pretty picture. The whole point of him doing that was to exemplify how you have to think when you're painting. You need to be able to take the quickest glance at a scene, and gather essential information from it immediately. That will be the backbone of a good painting (and a good painter). The tendency is to stare into these elements, and see the leaves before you see the tree at all.
The important stuff you need to break down are relationships of values and colour temperatures. It's not useful enough to know that a tree is a blueish green, for example...but how cool of a green is it compared to the cooler temperatures in the background, vs. the warmer greens in the foreground, etc. Scott constantly compares his mixtures to all other areas of the painting, and that's how he achieves those natural relationships you feel when you look at one of his paintings. I find that I get faster as my eye becomes more 'calibrated', just for the sheer fact that I'm making less mistakes. That's helpful when the light is moving quickly. So, I'll be on that road for awhile.
Wow, those are incredible! You are getting some great Sargeant stokes.
And as for Ryu, he was a lot more fun than the other characters.
Cool sketches. Thanks for sharing a bit about Scott's class. Lucky you.
I like your stuff. Both the conceptual and the paintings from life.
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