This 'yin-yang' type of lighting made for a good challenge. Instead of the traditional line-and-mass block in, I started with the eye socket on the right, and just branched out from there. I haven't approached a study like that before, so I felt like I learned something here.
As ever you colors are something to behold at, thanks for sharing!
you must feel comfortable with your painting skills to start a piece this way, I guess...
excellent head study by the way!
Thanks guys,
Anders - it's maybe one part confidence...but more just wanting to find new ways to screw it up (and therefore new things to work for)
Beautiful work, inspiring!
Looks great, Marco!
nice colors!
Cool man. Let's see some more alla prima works! By the way how long of a session do you normally do these studies? Are you using any solvents and/or Liquin by chance?
Sorry. Look please here
Shou - I thin the paint down at the beginning, for early block in stages (and I use a paper towel constantly to wipe things away). After that stage, I don't really thin the paint at all. I start applying opaque layers of paint immediately. This way I feel more like I'm sculpting, instead of washing or glazing colour.
Oh, and each session is 2.5 hours...so about 2 hours of painting including breaks.
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